Thursday, November 20, 2008

Double CE

I found this article at CNN and it's the story of a woman who was being stalked by a man who she had a relationship with for 5 years. They broke it off, and he went crazy and began stalking her everywhere she went. Right after they broke up, Cindy knew he was going to fly off the handle so she changed the locks on her house and went to stay with a friend for a couple of days. When she returned she saw that Michael had broken into the house and caused over $70,000 in damages by throwing paint all over her furniture and appliances and the rest of the house. Cindy's co-workers helped her get everything cleaned up and began helping her avoid Michael. He continued to stalk her, and her friends and co-workers continued to try and protect her. One day after work, Cindy was walking our to her car unaccompanied when a disguised Michael approached and fatally shot her and then himself in the head.

I think it was really good that Cindy's friends and co-workers did everything they could to help her. Its good to surround yourself with people that you know love and care about you, and I'm sure it helped her through that terrifying situation. I also think it's dumb that people can just fly off the handle like that and cause so many people that much grief and terror.

This article from the same place is about the problems that stock markets in other countries such as Europe and Asia are having. On tuesday, stock markets around the world plummeted with European numbers falling 1.7%, and Asian markets sinking from anywhere between 2.3% and 4.5%. These falling stock markets are caused by the economic problems that now the whole world is beginning to feel.
I wish there was some way that we could help prevent this recession, because it's most likely going to lead to a depression, which no one would enjoy. Hopefully, something will be done to help turn our economic situation around, but i think it's one of those things we'll just have to wait out.