Thursday, December 18, 2008

double current events

specific stock:

this article is about the Barrick Gold corporation. Their North Mara Mine in Tanzania was attacked last week by over 200 people and the owners of the mine estimated that there was 15 million dollars in damages, but now they've revised that number and brought it down to only 7 million. They just reopened the mine, which produced 155,000 ounces of gold in the first 9 months of this year. Police said that one person was shot and killed during the attack, but other than that the only other damages done were to the equipment.

i don't know why all those people attacked the mine, but i'm guessing it has something to do with it being on their home land or something. i'm glad that the mine reopened though because i'm hoping their production will go back up and make their stocks worth more too.

Stock Market in General:

this article is basically talking about how since we were officially declared 'in a recession' the stock market has been reflecting that fact. it also says that market specialists aren't expecting big market changes because trading is going down because of the holidays. our economy also isn't doing any better because the stock market still remains really volatile, and people are still losing their jobs.

i think someone needs to figure out a way to bring our economy back up, but i know that's easier said than done...I also thought that because it was the holidays the stock market would be prospering, but i guess i was wrong because it's mostly been going down.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

stock market current event for 12/5/2008

Stocks Seesaw in Choppy Trade from

This article is all about how the stock market tries to anticipate what the government will say about our economic status. Until the government comes out with news about our economy, the stock market will continue to be extremely volatile. It talks about the different things that cause our stock market to fluctuate such as news about a bailout and other things. It also informs us about the 'beige book' which is basically a survey of our economic status.

i think that if everyone investing at a certain time anticipated that the government was going to give us good news about our economy, then the whole stock market would probably go up and help out our economy. But because not everyone is as optimistic, they cause serious fluctuations that make our stock market so volatile.